The world rests on their fragile shoulders. Nursultan Nazarbayev has congratulated Kazakhstan women on March 8
Date: 08.03.2012
Ahead of the International Women's Day the President met with women representatives of the "Kөktem shuaғy" society "Men rule the world, but men are ruled by women" – he said meeting them in Akorda. The invited ladies certainly voiced their ideas not only about women’s bigger public involvement, but also development of the state, refuting the assertions that a woman’s lot is to be a man’s shadow. As Nursultan Nazarbayev observed, at times it is a woman, who makes history, largely through her main mission - the high mission of a Mother. His offer to establish Mother's Day in Kazakhstan was accepted with enthusiasm.
March 8th is a wonderful day!
Our festival in Hollywood
The second festival of Kazakh cinema and culture in Hollywood will be held on 1-7 July at the Directors Guild of America.
President. Lights of the Presidential New Year tree
A bright and exciting children's holiday – Presidential New Year Tree party - took place yesterday in Astana, Almaty, in the regions. Every year it brings together children and orphans, the ones left without parental care, school standouts and winners of competitions, giving them an unforgettable experience, a sense of involvement in the world of magic.
Situation under control, perpetrators will be brought to justice
At Akorda yesterday President Nursultan Nazarbayev held a Security Council session on the situation in Zhanaozen town of Mangistau region.
Nursultan Nazarbayev: XXI will be the best century in the history of Kazakhstan. The head of state took part in the celebratory meeting marking 20th anniversary of Independence
The meeting for the anniversary date in Astana was both a celebration and a tally of what has been attained in all this time. As President Nursultan Nazarbayev said, the third and fourth decade should be a historical leap ahead to our country.
Strategy of national success. Nursultan Nazarbayev launched new breakthrough productions
Yesterday the President shared in the ceremony of awarding the winners of "Altyn Sapa" competition in quality, of "Paryz" – in social responsibility and of special prizes of RK President. Business and new breakthrough projects were discussed during the event and there was a national teleconference in which Nursultan Nazarbayev launched new productions. The country’s industrialization is a national idea on Kazakhstan’s new development stage.
В Казахстане готовится новый закон о дорожном движении
В Казахстане разрабатывают новый Закон «О дорожном движении». Об этом в интервью газете «Мегаполис» сообщил председатель Комитета дорожной полиции МВД Республики Казахстан полковник полиции Берик Бисенкулов.
Свадьба пела и считала
Сегодня в Мангистауской области зарегистрируют свой брак 60 пар. Этот свадебный бум, разумеется, связан с "магической" и вместе с тем красивой датой 11.11.11. Как отметила пресс-секретарь департамента юстиции Мангистауской области Айнагуль Ырзабеккызы, многие молодожены уверены, что если свадьба состоится в день шести единиц, то брак будет долгим и счастливым.
Между жизнью и тендером
Больные диабетом отчаянно пытаются выжить, несмотря на очередное проведение закупа медицинских препаратов Минздравом.