The world rests on their fragile shoulders. Nursultan Nazarbayev has congratulated Kazakhstan women on March 8
Date: 08.03.2012
Ahead of the International Women's Day the President met with women representatives of the "Kөktem shuaғy" society "Men rule the world, but men are ruled by women" – he said meeting them in Akorda. The invited ladies certainly voiced their ideas not only about women’s bigger public involvement, but also development of the state, refuting the assertions that a woman’s lot is to be a man’s shadow. As Nursultan Nazarbayev observed, at times it is a woman, who makes history, largely through her main mission - the high mission of a Mother. His offer to establish Mother's Day in Kazakhstan was accepted with enthusiasm.
This meeting gathered successful and ambitious women from all over Kazakhstan, women-leaders.
- After a long winter, and this year it was severe, with the first rays of spring comes this wonderful beautiful holiday. Whatever men say about women, women do with us whatever they want. In all of our achievements there is a significant contribution and dedication of our women, - the President said.
Nursultan Nazarbayev referred to women’s involvement in the state construction - in healthcare and education their share is 90%; 40% of loans are issued to women's business. There are three women ministers in the Government; Majilis has 22% of women. -It is a big share, even by the EU standards.
-The women have built in our country a solid foundation for progressive development, creating, among other things, about 40% of the country’s GDP. Practice shows, when a woman is in a leading position, there is more order, discipline, reliability and commitment as a rule.
Thus, in the public sector - education and healthcare the salary was doubled over the last 3 years. On the "Affordable Housing" program about 1 million square meters of housing are to be built, and it is part of the state’s concern for the women’s welfare and peace. A large block of the President’ state-of-the-nation Address this year is taken up by the social policy, economic modernization, development of industry and industrialization, promotion of the village. All these steps are being taken for the sole purpose - improving the welfare of every Kazakhstani, for their peace of mind and confidence in the future.
In Kazakhstan, the per capita GDP now exceeds 11 thousand dollars and purchasing power parity - about 20 thousand dollars.
- The main concern of the state is to give work to the people, - the President said. - If a person wants to work in a place where he lives, he is given micro-loans to open his business and support his family, if he does not, he can move to town and at the state expense get training for a new profession.
Kazakhstanis are accessed to free basic medicine, while in Europe a simple medical procedure often costs hundreds of euros. And the cost of heart surgery, for one, which in our country can be done for free, in European countries comes to 300 thousand euros. Maternal and infant mortality has reduced considerably, also incidence of cardiovascular diseases; life expectancy is gradually increasing in the country.
Kazakhstan’s prominent women – working in social, culture and other areas, thanked the President for the meeting. Among them was the rector of the Kazakh National Conservatory named after Kurmangazy Jania Aubakirova, Maria Mudryak - currently on "Bolashak" training program at the Giuseppe Verdi Conservatory in Italy, who at the meeting sang an aria from La Traviata opera. N. Nazarbayev promised a new opera house will soon open in the capital, not worse than La Scala. -Come back home, you are needed here, -he said to the young artist.
Natalia Dementieva – a TV journalist from Kokshetau addressed the President in good, fluent Kazakh. Pleased by this he expressed hope that the Kazakh language will become more widespread. Since independence the number of schools with Kazakh as language of tuition has grown. However, the President underscored, we can not forget about the importance of Russian as the language of science, education, and friendship. Needless to say how important English is as the world language, knowledge of which increases the nation’s competitiveness, and learning which is a time imperative. Nursultan Nazarbayev reemphasized that the goal to attain is speaking three languages.
The meeting was attended by women of many walks of life: First Deputy General Director of LLP "Bogatyr Coal" Zhulduzay Tazhenova, editor in chief of "Ғashyқtar alemi" Bayan Esentaeva, sanitary instructor of air assault battalion of the Defense Ministry Nazigul Darmenbaeva, head of the Atyrau railway terminal Gulsim Bitasheva. Two of the guests- Gulmira Nyshanbaeva and Jhanna Rakhmanova are mothers of seven children. The President called them real heroines, awarding them with "Altyn Alka" pendants and proposing to establish Mother's Day in Kazakhstan, as well as the "Good family" title.
- We need to strengthen the role of the family - the foundation, on which rests the whole society. In these traditions, we must nurture our youth, - said Nursultan Nazarbayev.
Family is the basis of the state that rests on our women’s shoulders. You bring up children patriots. We will be strengthening friendship, fraternity and equality of all the people living in Kazakhstan - our common home. In unity is our strength, our future, - concluded the President.
Laura Tusupbekova