What will the weather be like this summer in Kazakhstan
А hot summer with a deficit of precipitation is predicted by meteorologists in most of the country, correspondent reports with reference to the Kazhydromet RSE .
According to the advisory forecast of weather forecasters, in the summer in most of the republic the temperature background is expected to be above the norm, only in the northern regions - within the climatic norm.
According to Kazhydromet, in the northwestern and northeastern half of Kazakhstan, with the passage of frontal sections and the arrival of portions of cold from the regions of the northern seas, fluctuations in air temperature during the day from +30 + 38 ° С to + 15 + 20 ° С are possible, and at the same time, in the southwestern half of the republic, on some days, the temperature can reach +40+45°С.
Hot days will be replaced by cool ones with heavy rains, thunderstorms and squally winds, meteorologists say.
According to the forecast of the weather service, June will be hot in most of the country. The average air temperature for the month is expected to be 1-2° above the norm in most of the republic, near the norm in the north, northeast, east, southeast of the country (norm: +18+23°С in most of Kazakhstan).
In July, in most of Kazakhstan, the monthly average air temperature is expected to be near the norm, in the southern regions of the country - above the norm by 1° (norm: +18+24°С in most of the Republic of Kazakhstan).
The last month of summer - August - is expected to be hot in most of the country, the air temperature is predicted to be 1-2° above the norm, and only in the northwestern half of the republic - about the norm (norm: +20+28°С in most of the Republic of Kazakhstan).
As for precipitation, in general, in summer, a deficit is expected in most of the republic.
The amount of precipitation within the climatic norm is predicted in June in the northwest, northeast, southeast and in the mountainous regions of the south of the country; in July - in the northwestern part of the Republic of Kazakhstan; in August - in the northern, eastern, southeastern regions of Kazakhstan.